SSS – Cherry Blossom and Ixora Trees Planting Activity
yanisa samranruen
On 9th April, Shin San Shing Co., Ltd. (SSS) including the company staff altogether planted Sakura or Cherry Blossom and Ixora trees in a factory ...
SKA – Donate Alcohol Hand Sanitizer Spray and Medical Masks
yanisa samranruen
Due to COVID-19 infection across the world, the number of patients in neighborhoods called Plaengyao of SKA is also rapidly increasing. On 4th August 2021, ...
Donate clothes for children at Baan Nokkamin Foundation
yanisa samranruen
In March 2021, Toyota Boshoku Asia members donated clothes and shoes for children to Luer-Kho Project of Baannokkamin Foundation. The clothes will be shared among ...
Donate food, snacks and lunch allowance for children
yanisa samranruen
In April 2021, Toyota Boshoku Asia members donated food and snacks to Baan Nokkamin Foundation which is organized for helping children who are in need. ...
Drawing Equipment Donation for Elderly
yanisa samranruen
With the collaboration between Art House foundation and Toyota Boshoku Asia members, we supported in providing drawing equipment such as color pencils, highlighter pens, and ...
Unused boxes and cartons donation for paper beds of field hospital
yanisa samranruen
As the number of COVID-19 infected patients is continuously increasing, the field hospitals must be set up nationwide to provide immediate treatment for patients throughout ...
CSR Event India
Toyota Boshoku Asia
On 03-02-2021, TBI contributed ₹1 Million(Rupees One Million only) to Public TV & Rotary towards providing of TABS to students of 10th standard from Government ...
BAT received The Prime Minister’s Industry Award 2020 of the Logistic and Supply Chain Management
Toyota Boshoku Asia
BAT received The Prime Minister’s Industry Award 2020 of the Logistic and Supply Chain Management. The award is granted by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, the ...
Go green our forest
Toyota Boshoku Asia
On August 17 (Sat), TBSM member and Japanese executive around 180 persons, have join to do afforesting activity at Khaokeaw- Khaochompoo located in Chonburi province, ...
Held the opening ceremony for Gurgaon Office
Toyota Boshoku Asia
We held the opening ceremony for the Gurgaon Office of Toyota Boshoku Automotive India Private Limited. The ceremony was attended by 23 officials including President ...